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We, Star Asia Investment Corporation (“SAR”) and Star Asia Investment Management Co. Ltd. (the “Asset Manager”) to which SAR entrusts the management of its assets, recognize that ESG related initiatives are one of the important management issues, and are striving to meet the goals which we have established in our daily business operations.
While pursuing maximization of unitholders’ interests, we are strongly conscious of the public nature as a listed REIT, and intend to continue to make efforts to contribute to the reduction of environmental load and the resolution of social issues through real estate management.
We support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the implementation of ESG related measures.
Star Asia Investment Corporation Representative Executive Officer
Star Asia Investment Management Co., Ltd. Representative President and CEO
Atsushi Kato
ESG Policy
Our Company, as a member of the Star Asia Group, shares its Investment Philosophy and Guiding Principles. Furthermore, as the asset management company for Star Asia Investment Corporation, we engage in the real estate investment management business while giving consideration to the environment, society, and governance (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “ESG”) in order to enhance corporate value and exert comprehensive competitiveness while pursuing long-term sustainability and recognizing the role Star Asia Investment Corporation has been given in society in accordance with our basic philosophy of "Client First".
1. Action towards Climate Change
In anticipation of the transition to a decarbonized society, we adequately identify and manage the physical risks of climate change (such as damages to property due to natural disasters and rise in sea levels etc.) and transition risks (such as cost increases due to strengthening of environmental regulations and changes to the competitiveness of properties due to changes in preferences of tenants etc.) associated with our business and our managed real estate properties, and disclose such risk recognitions and countermeasures in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in order to mitigate climate change, we work towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from managed real estate by improving energy efficiency of buildings and utilizing renewable energy generated onsite or offsite.
At the same time, we strengthen countermeasures towards extreme weather events including typhoons, floods and rising sea levels caused by climate change etc., and proactively take adaptive measures towards them.
2. Consideration towards Resource Circulation, Water Use, and Biodiversity
We aim to promote adequate management, reuse, and recycle of waste produced in daily operations and retrofits of managed real estate, protect water resources by improving water efficiency indoors and outdoors, and maintain and improve biodiversity by giving consideration to the ecosystem outside the property.
3. Pursuit of Health, Safety, and well-being
Preventing natural disasters, man-made disasters, and illnesses and mitigating damages lead directly to the strengthening of resilience and reducing business risks. Furthermore, enhancing health, safety, and well-being of tenants and our officers and employees improves the level of satisfaction and leads to improvement of intellectual productivity. Our Company fully recognizes these values and aims to maintain and promote the health, safety and well-being of tenants of managed real estates and our officers and employees.
4. Securing and Developing Human Capital
We respect and accept the diversity, personality and individuality of our officers and employees. We develop human capital who have high level of specialization, creativity, respect for others, cooperativeness, and adaptability which is in alignment with our Company’s code of conduct, and support the growth of each individual through various engagement, education and trainings.
5. Stakeholder Engagement
In our day-to-day business, we protect the human rights of various stakeholders of our Company such as unitholders, lenders, trade counterparties including tenants and suppliers, the local community, and our officers and employees, and heighten mutual confidence and establish good relationships with them.
6. Establishing and Organizing a Governance System
Thorough the achievement of thorough compliance, observance of our code of conduct, and appropriate risk management, we work to establish and organize a governance system to ensure business operations to be conducted in accordance with our Investment Philosophy. Furthermore, we ensure transparency and endeavor to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner.
Established on January 8, 2021
ESG promotion system
In January 2021, Star Asia Investment Management Co. Ltd. (the “Asset Manager”) to which SAR entrusts the management of its assets, with the goal to strengthen its ESG related initiatives, established the Sustainability Promotion Division and organized the Sustainability Promotion Committee.
The Sustainability Promotion Division functions as the organ in charge of planning and executing ESG related measures, and the Sustainability Promotion Committee functions as the place for discussing and making decision on such measures.
In particular with respect to E (Environment) of the ESG related initiatives, we are receiving effective support from sub-sponsors Nippon Kanzai Co. Ltd. (CASBEE certified entity) and Tokyo Capital Management Co., Ltd. (with strong track record of building management).
■ | The Asset Manager’s ESG promotion system centered on the Sustainability Promotion Division (Primarily involving E (Environment) matters) |
■ | Organization of the asset management company |